» » How to enter in maintenance mode in Brother Printer?

In general there are three types of printer which are commonly uses in our day to day works i.e  Home laser(HL), Direct copy Print(DCP) and Multi-Functional Print (MFC). Based on this types i will guide you to enter in maintenance mode.

1. HOME LASER(HL): In Home laser(HL) there are no display units to notify you that you are in maintenance mode. It has only a big GO blue button. So to enter in maintenance mode you have to use that button only just follow these steps:
a. Turn off the printer.
b. Hold go button by your finger.
c. Turn on the printer but don't release your finger keep holding for 5 sec.
d. You will notice led is on then press go button three times.
e. There you go you are in maintenance mode.

2. DIRECT COPY PRINT(DCP): In DCP we have display unit so it is easy to know we are in maintenance mode or no. There are two ways to enter in maintenance mode. So to enter in maintenance mode you have to use that button only just follow these steps:
a. Turn off the printer.
b. Hold menu button.
c. Turn on the printer.Don't let your finger go until maintenance appears in display unit.

Next way:
a. Turn on your printer.
b. Press: MENU---START(MONO for inject printer)---UP BUTTON four times (THIS PROCESS SHOULD BE DONE WITH IN 5 SEC)
c. Maintenance will appear in your screen.

3. MULTI-FUNCTIONAL COPY(MFC): We have 3 ways to enter in maintenance mode in this printer. This printer also has number key in its front panel for FAX.So to enter in maintenance mode you have to use that button only just follow these steps:
First way:
a. Turn off the printer.
b. Hold menu button.
c. Turn on the printer.Don't let your finger go until maintenance appears in display unit.

Next way:
a. Turn on your printer.
b. Press: MENU---START(MONO for inject printer)---UP BUTTON four times (THIS PROCESS SHOULD BE DONE WITH IN 5 SEC)
c. Maintenance will appear in your screen.

Last way:
a. Turn on your Printer.
b. Press: MENU---(Press *,2,8,6,4 number)
c. Maintenance will appear in your Screen.

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Hi there! I am Hung Duy and I am a true enthusiast in the areas of SEO and web design. In my personal life I spend time on photography, mountain climbing, snorkeling and dirt bike riding.
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  1. Thank you very much!! I couldn't find to way to enter the maintenance menu to change the language on my MFC-J491DW; it was the last way.

  2. please help me cant get through maintenance mode mfc-t910dw

  3. please need assistance ..can't get through maintenance mode MFC-L2713DW

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